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Join us in this intentional pursuit of knowledge and dive into a curated collection of some of our favorite resources designed to empower your journey.

top 10 usefulcomms

1 / american psychology association (APA)

American Psychology Association's Inclusive Language Guide

2 / amazon

Amazon's guide, report and resources on the importance of diversity and inclusion in marketing and advertising

3 / apple

Apple's committment and guidance on creating an inclusive product

4 / center for disease and control (CDC)

Center for Disease and Control (CDC) Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities

5 / CITi/getty images

Citi and Getty Images DEI Imagery Toolkit 

6 /ethical storytelling

Ethical Stroytelling's guidance on a new standard of storytelling that stewards the lives of others

8 / the micropedia

The Micropedia is a clever site that allows you to explore and learn more about microaggressions and their impact


The World Federation of Advertising's Diversity & Inclusion Hub for the workplace and communications

10 / World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Explore web accessibility standards and guidelines for compliant and accessible digital outputs

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